Thursday, 21 October 2010

modcloth medal of honour

oh look! hes very sweet isnt he?
he would be happiest perched on your blazer or military jacket i think.

there are a few other styles on modcloth, the nautical anchory one nearly made it up here too!

ps thankyou to my first few followers, youve made me very happy

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I wanty this luffly little medal!
    I just saw your thread on wanting to whore your blog.... and I feel the same way about mine!
    Albeit mine isn't so much about fashion but general musings (I fear I was born without a fashion gene), I do love reading about it, and getting new ideas!
    As stalker-y as it may sound, fancy being blog-friends? I have a few followers too, and we can recommend each other. Beats any of the other ideas I've had!

    Pink Hibiscus
